Ajira Landing - Day Fourteen

Screen Shots Throughout Day 14- Map  Part 1



Screen Shot Throughout Day 14- Map Part  2



 Travels Throughout Day Fourteen

Jungle- (Morning)- Morning campfire- Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sawyer wake. Jack tells the group what Jacob told him, and that he has assumed the position of Island protector. Sawyer leaves the group to get Desmond, while the rest travel to the Light Cave, leaving Sawyer obvious tracks to follow them.
“The End”-06x17

Desmond’s well- (Morning)- Sawyer arrives at Desmond’s well and finds Ben and Locke. Locke tells Sawyer he needs Desmond to destroy the island.  Locke says the island will fall to the bottom of the sea while he sails away with his boat. Sawyer tells Locke that Jack has assumed Jacob’s position. Sawyer steals Ben’s rifle and leaves Ben and Locke for Jack’s group. Locke lets him go, telling Ben he doesn’t need Sawyer anymore.  Locke notices dog paws at the base of the well.
“The End”-06x17

Rose and Bernard’s cabin- (Morning)- Desmond wakes up outside of Rose and Bernard’s cabin.  Desmond spent the night there but Rose tells Desmond he must leave after breakfast. Locke and Ben approach the cabin and Desmond agrees to go with Locke.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle- (Morning)- Locke, Ben, and Desmond travel through the jungle. Desmond tells Locke he knows that he is being brought to a very bright light.
“The End”-06x17

Barracks- (Day)- Miles finds Richard and tries in vain to radio Ben that he has found Richard. Miles and Richard decide to travel to Hydra to blow up the plane.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle- (Day)- Sawyer catches up with Jack, Kate, and Hurley. Sawyer tells them he found Locke and Locke wants to destroy the island, but Desmond escaped. The group travels toward the Light cave.
“The End”-06x17

Submarine dock- (Day)- Miles and Richard board the only outrigger left at he docks. They are traveling to Hydra with C-4 explosives to blow up the plane. As they are traveling across the channel, they find wreckage of the submarine. They find Frank holding onto the wreckage. Richard has a gray hair (implies that he is not immortal any longer since Jacob died).  Frank tells Miles and Richard that he can fly the plane away, that way the Black Smoke won’t be able to use it.  They decide to try and fly the plane away rather then blow it up.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle - (Day)- Ben, Locke, and Desmond meet up with Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Hurley, and Kate.  Kate tries to shoot Locke, but the bullets have no effect. Locke and Jack talk about Locke trying to destroy the island and Jack tells Locke he is going to kill him. They agree to travel together to the ‘Light Cave’
“The End”-06x17

Jungle - (Day)- The group approaches the ‘Light Cave’. Locke tells the group that only Jack, Desmond, and he should go further. They agree.
“The End”-06x17

Light Cave - (Day)– Desmond is tethered by a rope and lowered into the cave by Locke and Jack. Desmond doesn’t believe the island is real. He doesn’t believe the plane really crashed.  Locke’s hands appear to either bleed or simply are being covered with the muddy water the rope was in. It’s hard to distinguish.
“The End”-06x17

Inside Light Cave - (Day)- Desmond finds at least two skeletons inside. One skeleton is in disarray, as if the person were pulled apart and strewn about. The other skeleton is of a person who seemed to die at rest. Desmond removes a stone plug in the middle of a fountain of water and the light goes out. A red glow emanates from within the cave and earthquakes occur throughout the island.  Locke tries to leave the cave, but Jack tackles him. Locke knocks Jack out and runs for his boat.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle-Close to the Light Cave -(Day)- The earthquakes topple a large tree that lands on Ben. The rest of the group try, but can’t move it.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle- Entrance to the Light Cave -(Day)- Jack wakes up from being knocked out and enters the cave, trying to help Desmond.  When he gets no response Jack runs toward the Cave of Names.
“The End”-06x17

Jungle-Close to the Light Cave -(Day)- Hurley, Kate, and Sawyer try to remove the tree from atop of Ben. Miles radios that he, Richard, and Frank are an hour away from leaving the island via the plane. Ben tells the group they can get to Hydra via Locke’s boat.
“The End”-06x17

Above the Cave of Names –(Day)- Locke is about to climb down the ladder to the Elizabeth when Jack screams his name. Locke turns and they run toward each other and meet as Jack punches Locke in the face. They fight and Locke stabs Jack in the lower abdomen. Locke is about to plunge his knife into Jack’s neck when Kate shoots Locke, killing him. Jack kicks Locke’s body over the edge onto the rocks below.  Sawyer, Hurley, and Ben join Jack and Kate. The earthquakes continue.
“The End”-06x17

Hydra- (Day)- Frank, Miles, and Richard work on repairing the plane
“The End”-06x17

Above the Cave of Names -(Day)- Earthquakes continue. Jack explains to the group that whatever Desmond turned off, he needs to turn on. Kate and Sawyer jump from the cliff to expedite their reaching the sailboat, so they can get to the plane before it leaves. Hurley and Ben stay with Jack and return the Light Cave.
“The End”-06x17

Light Cave- (Day)- The earthquakes continue. Jack anoints Hurley as the next protector of the island and Ben and Hurley lower Jack into the cave by rope. Jack places the rope around Desmond and Desmond is pulled out of the cave by Hurley and Ben. Jack is able to replace the plug and the light and water return.
“The End”-06x17

Hydra-(Day)- Sawyer and Kate reach Hydra and find Claire on the beach. Kate convinces Claire to go with them. They are able to reach the plane in time and the plane takes off, apparently leaving the island.
“The End”-06x17

Entrance to the Light Cave-(Day)- Desmond appears as if he will survive. Hurley asks Ben if he will help him protect the island and get Desmond back home. Ben says he would be honored. 
“The End”-06x17

Jungle-Close to the Light Cave -(Day)- Jack finally succumbs to his wounds and collapses.  He looks up and sees the Ajira Jet pass over him. Jack smile, knowing his friends were able to leave the island, and closes his eyes and dies.
“The End”-06x17