Ajira Landing - Day Ten

Screen Shots Throughout Day Ten

Travels Throughout Day Ten

Locke’s camp- (Morning)- Locke tells the group they are waiting for Hurley, Sun, and Jack. Sayid approaches the camp from his trip to Hydra the night before.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Locke’s camp- (Morning)-Sayid and Locke travel alone to where Sayid has secured Desmond, tied to a tree.  Sayid then leaves Locke with Desmond and returns to the group.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Main Island - Jungle- (Day)
Hurley is leading Jack, Sun, and Frank towards Locke’s camp.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Main Island - Jungle- (Day) Richard, Miles, and Ben are traveling toward the barracks to procure C4 to blow up the Ajira.
Off Camera

Large tree close to Locke’s camp– (Day) Desmond is tied to a tree and tells Locke that Charles Widmore exposed him to a massive dose of electromagnetic energy. Locke unties Desmond and they travel into the jungle.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Desmond’s Well- (Night) Locke takes take Desmond to a well (a couple of miles north of his camp). On the way there they see a young Jacob who smiles and runs away. Locke throws Desmond into the well and goes back to his camp, thinking Desmond is unable to escape from the well.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Main Island - Jungle- (Night) Hurley is leading Jack, Sun, and Frank towards Locke’s camp.  Hurley does not know where Locke's camp is and is leading the group without direction.  The whispers sound approach and Hurley meets Michael again. Michael tells Hurley that Michael is stuck on the island because of what he did. Michael tells Hurley the whispers are dead people who haven’t been able to move on from the island.  Michael points out Locke's group to Hurley. Hurley and his group approach and enter Locke's camp.
“The Last Recruit”-06x13

Locke’s Camp– (Night) Locke returns from dealing with Desmond.
Hurley and his group approach and enter Locke’s camp.   Locke and Jack walk off alone into the jungle to have a private conversation.
“The Last Recruit”-06x13

Jungle close to Locke’s camp- (Night) Locke tells Jack he chose to appear as John Locke and they have the following conversation alone:
Jack: You Look just like him.
Locke: Does it bother you?
Jack: No, what bothers me is I don't have any idea what the hell you are.
Locke: Sure you do.
Jack: Why John Locke?
Locke: Because he was stupid enough to believe that he'd been brought here for a reason. Because he pursued that belief until it got him killed. And because you were kind enough to bring his body back here in a nice wooden box.
Jack: He had to be dead before you could look like him
Locke: That’s right..
The Last Recruit”-06x13

Jungle close to Locke’s camp- (Night) Claire approaches Jack and Locke. Locke leaves the two alone to talk, as Claire is Jack’s sister. Claire tells Jack that it was Locke who pretended to be Christian Shepard when he first arrive on the island. Jack reiterates to Claire that he hasn’t decided to join Locke’s group.
“The Last Recruit”-06x13

Main Island - Jungle- (Night) Richard, Miles, and Ben continue traveling toward the barracks.
Off Camera