Ajira Landing - Day Twelve
Screenshots Throughout Day Twelve
Travel Throughout Day Twelve
Hydra-Jungle (Morning) After the group escaped from the cages the night before, Lapidus leads Sawyer, Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sun, Jin, and Claire to the plane. Jack reiterates to Kate that he will help them, but won’t get on the plane, as he belongs on the main island. Sayid appears from the jungle, but Jack vouches for Sayid, and Sayid joins the group.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Hydra- Landing Strip- (Morning)- Locke, unknown to the group, had already arrived at the plane and removed a watch from a dead member of Widmore’s team and removed a bomb from the plane that Charles Widmore had planted.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Hydra- Landing Strip- (Day)- As the group approaches the plane, Locke steps out and greets them. Locke tells them the plane is too dangerous as he shows them the bomb he found. He tells them they must use the submarine instead. He tells them the submarine will be heavily defended and will need everyone, including Jack, to infiltrate it. Jack agrees, but tells Locke that although he will help, but not leave the island.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Hydra- Submarine Dock- (Day)- The group approaches the submarine and it is not defended from the dock. Sawyer, Hurley, Sun, and Frank enters the submarine and ambush the officers inside of the submarine, while Jack, Kate, and Claire fight off Charles Widmore’s team as they arrive from the jungle. A firefight ensues between the two groups and Kate is hit in the upper left shoulder. Locke secretly switches his backpack containing rigged explosives with Jack’s backpack.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Hydra- Submarine Dock- (Day)- The submarine dives and leaves the dock, leaving Claire and Locke to kill off Widmore’s team as Jack pulls Kate into the safety of the sub. Locke tells Claire she doesn’t want to be on that submarine and he will now finish what he started.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Aboard Submarine- (Day) Jack pulls Kate into the safety of the submarine in order to operate on her, while Sawyer instructs the Submarine officer to have the submarine to dive
“The Candidate”-06x14
Aboard Submarine- (Day) Jack opens up his bag expecting to find surgical tools to operate on Kate and instead finds a bomb rigged to explode. Jack tells the group that the bomb will not go off if they leave it alone. Jack tells the group Locke can’t kill them; they can only kill themselves, so if they leave the bomb alone it will not explode. Sawyer cannot resist trying to diffuse the bomb and triggers an impending explosion. Sayid grabs the bomb and runs deep into the rear of the submarine to save the balance off the crew from the explosion. The bomb explodes, killing Sayid and Sun becomes trapped. Jin stays with Sun and tries in vain to save her, but they both drown. Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley survive and are able to escape the crippled submarine. It is assumed that Frank died as a blown door wedged him.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Main Island – (Night) Jack, Sawyer, Kate, and Hurley wash ashore on the beach of the main island.
“The Candidate”-06x14
Main Island- Jungle (Day/Night) Miles, Richard, and Ben continue their inexplicable journey toward the barracks to procure C-4 explosive to blow up the Ajira plane.
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