Ajira Landing - Day Seven
Jungle - (Morning) Ilana, Ben, Sun, and Frank travel to the sanctuary of the temple from the beach camp cemetery.
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Assumed- Off Camera - Barracks - (Morning)- Kate leaves barracks searching for Claire on her way back to the Temple.
Main Island - (Morning) The smoke monster (presumably returning from Hydra) scours the Island looking for candidates. He finds Sawyer at the barracks blasting loud music and drinking heavily.
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Jungle – (Morning) Richard (after spending a day in a snare trap) is asked by Locke to join him. Richard refuses and is let free by Locke, but not prior to Locke seeing a young Jacob with blood covered hands (Richard does not see Jacob).
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Claire's Hut - (Morning) Jin is caught in a bear trap set by Claire. Claire arrives and kills Aldo (Other) and takes Jina and Justin back to her Hut.
“What Kate Does”- 06x03
Barracks -(Morning) -Locke meets Sawyer at the barracks and convinces Sawyer to travel with him under the pretense of explaining to Sawyer why he was brought to the island. During their travel, Locke sees a young Jacob again, and chases him, leaving Sawyer alone it the jungle. The boy tells Locke "You know the rules. You can't kill him."
While alone in the jungle, Richard appears and tries to convince Sawyer to abandon Locke and come with him to the Temple. Sawyer declines, but does not tell Locke of the encounter when Locke returns. Locke seems not to have a memory the young Jacob, whom he just encountered.
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Cliff Side Cave - (Day)- Sawyer and the Locke travel onto a Cliff-side cave that has names written on the wall/ceiling. The names are those of people who are candidates to replace Jacob. Sawyer agrees with Locke to join him on a quest to leave the island. They leave the cave and travel toward
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Temple - (Day) Within the temple, Hurley encounters Jacob. Jacob writes directions on Hurley's forearm for Hurley and Jack to travel to the Lighthouse. They pass the cave that contained Adam and Eve and Christian Shephard's coffin. The reach the Lighthouse, where Jack is upset as it appears his whole life was being monitored by Jacob. Jacob explains to Hurley that it was important the he and Jack needed to distance themselves from the temple, as someone bad was approaching it.
“The Lighthouse”-06x05
Cklair's Hut- (Day) Clair kills Justin with an axe blow to his abdomen after attending to Jin's wound. Locke appears at Clair's hut with Sawyer. Clair tells Jin that it isn't Locke but is her friend. Locke and Claire travel to the boundary of the temple. Claire enters the temple and reveals Locke is waiting outside. Claire is put in a solitary hole by Dogan until he can deal with the Locke situation.
“What Kate Does”- 06x03
Temple -(Day)- Togan tells Sayid that Sayid is balanced toward evil and would be better dead. They fight, but Togan does not kill Sayid, but tells him he is banished from the temple. Sayid is given a sword by Dogan to kill Locke. Sayid leaves the temple to kill Locke. Sayid plunges the sword into its chest without effect. Locke convinces Sayid, using the prospect of resurrecting Nadia, to return to the temple and tell the people if they don't join him by sundown, they will be killed.
Temple - (Night) Kate returns to the temple and talks with Claire. Kate explains to Claire that she has Aaron, not the Others.
Temple - (Night ) The Others leave the temple in droves, heading Sayid's warning. Sayid kills Dogan, allowing /Locke into the temple. Locke then slaughters the balance of people inside the temple, and Kate, Sayid and Claire join Locke's ranks.
Ben, Ilana, Frank, Sun, and Miles arrive and enter at the temple during Locke's killing spree. They are able to escape the wrath of Locke by exiting the temple through a secret passage. Miles tells Sun that Jin is alive.
Jungle- (Night) As Ben, Ilana, Frank, Sun, and Miles travel toward the beach camp, Miles uses the ashes of Jacob that Ilana kept, and reveals to Ilana that Ben actually killed Jacob.
“Dr. Linus”- 06x07
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Assumed- Off Camera - Barracks - (Morning)- Kate leaves barracks searching for Claire on her way back to the Temple.
Main Island - (Morning) The smoke monster (presumably returning from Hydra) scours the Island looking for candidates. He finds Sawyer at the barracks blasting loud music and drinking heavily.
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Jungle – (Morning) Richard (after spending a day in a snare trap) is asked by Locke to join him. Richard refuses and is let free by Locke, but not prior to Locke seeing a young Jacob with blood covered hands (Richard does not see Jacob).
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Claire's Hut - (Morning) Jin is caught in a bear trap set by Claire. Claire arrives and kills Aldo (Other) and takes Jina and Justin back to her Hut.
“What Kate Does”- 06x03
Barracks -(Morning) -Locke meets Sawyer at the barracks and convinces Sawyer to travel with him under the pretense of explaining to Sawyer why he was brought to the island. During their travel, Locke sees a young Jacob again, and chases him, leaving Sawyer alone it the jungle. The boy tells Locke "You know the rules. You can't kill him."
While alone in the jungle, Richard appears and tries to convince Sawyer to abandon Locke and come with him to the Temple. Sawyer declines, but does not tell Locke of the encounter when Locke returns. Locke seems not to have a memory the young Jacob, whom he just encountered.
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Cliff Side Cave - (Day)- Sawyer and the Locke travel onto a Cliff-side cave that has names written on the wall/ceiling. The names are those of people who are candidates to replace Jacob. Sawyer agrees with Locke to join him on a quest to leave the island. They leave the cave and travel toward
“The Substitute” – 06x04
Temple - (Day) Within the temple, Hurley encounters Jacob. Jacob writes directions on Hurley's forearm for Hurley and Jack to travel to the Lighthouse. They pass the cave that contained Adam and Eve and Christian Shephard's coffin. The reach the Lighthouse, where Jack is upset as it appears his whole life was being monitored by Jacob. Jacob explains to Hurley that it was important the he and Jack needed to distance themselves from the temple, as someone bad was approaching it.
“The Lighthouse”-06x05
Cklair's Hut- (Day) Clair kills Justin with an axe blow to his abdomen after attending to Jin's wound. Locke appears at Clair's hut with Sawyer. Clair tells Jin that it isn't Locke but is her friend. Locke and Claire travel to the boundary of the temple. Claire enters the temple and reveals Locke is waiting outside. Claire is put in a solitary hole by Dogan until he can deal with the Locke situation.
“What Kate Does”- 06x03
Temple -(Day)- Togan tells Sayid that Sayid is balanced toward evil and would be better dead. They fight, but Togan does not kill Sayid, but tells him he is banished from the temple. Sayid is given a sword by Dogan to kill Locke. Sayid leaves the temple to kill Locke. Sayid plunges the sword into its chest without effect. Locke convinces Sayid, using the prospect of resurrecting Nadia, to return to the temple and tell the people if they don't join him by sundown, they will be killed.
Temple - (Night) Kate returns to the temple and talks with Claire. Kate explains to Claire that she has Aaron, not the Others.
Temple - (Night ) The Others leave the temple in droves, heading Sayid's warning. Sayid kills Dogan, allowing /Locke into the temple. Locke then slaughters the balance of people inside the temple, and Kate, Sayid and Claire join Locke's ranks.
Ben, Ilana, Frank, Sun, and Miles arrive and enter at the temple during Locke's killing spree. They are able to escape the wrath of Locke by exiting the temple through a secret passage. Miles tells Sun that Jin is alive.
Jungle- (Night) As Ben, Ilana, Frank, Sun, and Miles travel toward the beach camp, Miles uses the ashes of Jacob that Ilana kept, and reveals to Ilana that Ben actually killed Jacob.
“Dr. Linus”- 06x07
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