Ajira Landing - Day Nine

Screen Shots Throughout Day Nine

Travels Throughout Day Nine

Stone Bench- (Morning) - Richard unearths the crucifix he buried beneath the bench 140 years ago. Richard yells, “I’ve changed my mind!”  He is calling out to Locke.
Hurley had followed Richard from the beach camp to the Stone Bench. Hurley sees Richard’s wife, Isabella, next to Richard.  She tells Richard to stop Locke because if he doesn’t, we will all go to hell.
"Ab Aeterno" 06x09
Beach Camp- (Morning) Locke appears and tries to convince Sun to go with him. Sun runs away from Locke, falls down, and suffers the inability to speak English. Locke returns to his camp.
“The Package”-06x10

Locke’s Camp- (Day) Locke and Sayid leave for Hydra Island via the outrigger at the beach ostensibly to get Jin back.  Sawyer asks Locke “What do you need a boat for?  Can’t you just turn into Smoke and fly your ass over?”  Locke responds, “Do you think if I could do that I would still be on this Island?”
“The Package”-06x10

Beach Camp-(Day) Richard and Hurley return from the Stone Bench.  Richard wants to go to Hydra and blow up the plane. 
“The Package”-06x10

Beach Camp- (Day) Ilana leaves the beach camp to get dynamite from the Blackrock and returns to the beach camp. Ilana places her sack of dynamite down and it blows up, killing her.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Beach Camp- (Day) Hurly sees a vision of Michael (dead).  Michael tells Hurley that going across the island to blow up the plane will kill a lot of people, and it will be Hurley’s fault because people are listening to him now.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Hydra Island- (Day) Locke lands alone at the beach and confronts Charles Widmore about Jin’s kidnapping. Jin is held hostage in room 23 by Widmore’s team.  Inside room 23, Zoe asks Jin about a map depicting pockets of Electromagnetism. 
Charles Widmore tells Locke he doesn’t know anything about Jin or his kidnapping.. Locke says “ A smart man once said war was coming to this island.  I think it just got here.”
“The Package”—06x10

Jungle –(Day) The beach camp group (Miles, Jack, Hurley, Frank, Richard, Ben, and Sun) leave the beach camp and travel toward the Blackrock to procure enough dynamite to blow up the Ajira Jet in hopes of preventing Locke from leaving the island.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Hydra Island- (Day) Charles Widmore shows Jin is shown pictures of his child from Sun’s camera found in the fuselage of the Ajira Jetliner.  Widmore promises to reunite Sun and Jin and get them off of the island.
“The Package”—06x10

Locke’s Camp- (Day) Locke returns from Hydra Island without Jin or Sayid.
“The Package”—06x10

Blackrock –(Day) Miles, Jack, Hurley, Frank, Richard, Ben, and Sun arrive at the Blackrock.  Richard realizes that Hurley is missing.  Hurley runs away from the Blackrock telling everyone to get away just as the Blackrock explodes.  Richard is incredulous after Hurley tells him Jacob said they should talk to Locke.  The group splinter into two- one with Richard, Ben, and Miles traveling toward the barracks for explosives to destroy the Ajira Jet, and the other with Hurley leading Jack, Sun, and Miles towards Locke’s camp.
“Everybody Loves Hugo”-06x12

Hydra Island- (Night) Desmond had been kidnapped from his hospital room in Los Angeles and secreted to Hydra Island via a submarine.  Desmond is furious at Charles Widmore for bringing him back to the island. Desmond is taken to a room with large generators and placed between them and exposed to an enormous douse of Electromagnetic energy.  Desmond’s mind travels to an alternate time and place before he regains consciences.  After this exposure, Desmond becomes very compliant and agreeable with Charles Widmore.  He also spontaneously seemed to realize the perils facing the island.
“Happily Ever After”-06x11

Hydra Island- (Night) Zoe and two men are escorting Desmond back to the submarine from his high exposure to Electromagnetic Energy, when Sayid ambushes them, kills the two men, and takes Desmond with him back to the main island and ties him to a tree. Sayid lets Zoe live.
“Happily Ever After”-06x11